The Mosque is a sacred religious place in the Islamic faith and it is not anyone’s property, instead it is run by Muslim religious scholars or what we call the ‘Alim, Ustadz, Shayk and Imam”, these people are those responsible for the faith of the brethren who are praying inside the Mosque.
That is the ideal scenario anywhere but not in the Bureau of Corrections- New Bilibid Prison in Muntinlupa where the people allegedly controlling the Mosque doesn’t even pray or practice the Islamic faith instead they were allegedly those criminals that supports the Ampatuans.
These people call themselves “Batang Mindanao” but not all Mindanaoans are Muslim and indeed these people are not. According to our source which is very knowledgeable about the situation inside the penitentiary and a practicing Muslim brethren himself, inside the NBP of all the religions only the Muslims don’t have a volunteer chaplain and only the Muslims has their house of worship being controlled by the “pangkat” Commander.
The source asked the help of this publication but he also requested help at the office of the current Bureau of Correction Director General Gregorio Pio Catapang Jr as well as the National Commission on Muslim Filipinos and communications between both offices were already sent. The letter from the NCMF is attached on this article as well as the letter from our source.
In all faith and all religions the house of worship is very important, the reason why the Muslim Persons Deprived of Liberty in the New Bilibid Prison cooperate and help each other built and maintain the Mosque so every Muslim of every tribe can pray and practice Islam. Islam is a religion of peace and the people who should oversee and administer the place of worship of Muslim (followers of islam) should be Muslim and practice Islam not non-Muslim pretending to be Muslim just because “Mindanao” is the Bangsamoro homelend by which not all Mindanaoans are Muslim.
///Abdul Malik Bin Ismail, 09262261791, abdulmalikbinismail6875@gmail.com at konekted@diaryongtagalog.net