This is the video of Moro National Liberation Front Commander and Former Maimbung Vice Mayor Pando Mudjasan on the recent confrontation between his group and the police in Sulu. Along with this is the reply through SMS from Sulu Governor Abdusakur Tan also Mudjasan’s letter to DILG Secretary Benhur Abalos.

In a recorded Telephone Interview with the Former vice mayor here is what he has to say:
Hoping this video will shed light on the issue and bring about lasting peace to Sulu and justice to the involve parties since the source of incident is mainly political and can be resolve through peaceful means.///Mj Olvina-Balaguer, +639053611058, maryjaneolvina@gmail.com and konekted@dzmjonline.net DZMJ ONLINE DAWAH ZAKAT MAKABULUHANG JORNALISMO YOUR HAPPINESS CHANNEL