Quezon City- Two significant event the commemoration of the National Indigenous Peoples Day (NIPD) and the International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples (IDWIP). With the thene” Protecting the Rights of Indigenous Peoples in Voluntary Isolation and Initial Contact “. This August 9, 2024 at the Ardenhills Suites.
The NIPD and IDWIP have a great impact on cultural and historical importance locally and internationally especially for the Indigenous Cultural Communities /Indigeneous People and other.
The activity is also pushing that every August 9 will become Special Non Working Day.
On welcome remarks Mervyn Espadero, of National Commission on Indigenous People (NCIP), Executive Director.
Followed by message of NCIP Secretary Chairperson Jennifer Pia Sibug-Las also Commissioner for Central Mindanao. Highlighting the commemoration the rights of Indigenous People for advocate the land, education and healthcare. The rich heritage, culture and justice. And protecting sustainable living and environmental stewardship.
Message from Senator Loren Legarda said for preservation of culture of IP the establishment of school of living tradition and assistance for artisans programs.
And we capture by the Blaan word yessen or clap similarly mean to mabuhay.
NCIP launched hotline
89286247 for landline for mobile smart number 09623986640 and glibe 09270011168 available Monday to Friday 8am to 5pm.
Other vital activity in partnership with the Forest Foundation Philippines on the launched handbook on carbon trading for ancestral domains, policies, project development, standards and safeguards as part of the output of free and prior informed cobsent(FPIC) benefit sharing policy projects representative Atty Edna Maguigad throigh discussion entitled “Safeguarding IP Rights through Improving FPIC Policy on carbon projects” .
And the ink deal for Memorandum of Understanding of NCIP and the Family Search International (FSI). Aiming to connect the family from past, present and future. With presentation of Michael Colemere, Director of FSI also member of The Church of Latter Days Saint with Area Representative Emmanuel Abraham.
Finally, the program is a pivotal role to generate a comprehensive framework for advocating IP Rights with all sectors at all levels.
Performance with Datu Agong Aljun Cayawan of Agusanen Manobo Tribe of Sibagat with Secretary NCIP Chairperson Jennefer Pia Sibug – Las and crown participation of community dance, Gracing the occassion is TESDA Deputy Director General Vidal Villanueva