Baguio City Capacity Building Seminar held at Pine Breeze Cottage Baguio last February 16-17, 2024 of all the 13 official of City of Malolos Muslim Consultative Council and partners.
Our profound gratitude for the support of Hon Atty Christian D Natividad and EA Tina Sy.
The following officials are:
Hadji Yahya Gamor-Chairman ; Michael N Balaguer-Vice Chairman ; Mary Jane O Balaguer – Secretary ; Solaiman Manongcarang Treasurer; Cesar Marmaya Auditor; Nassef Gamor-PRO; Anshary Sarosong Head, Health Committee ; Amalia Villaranda – Head, Education Committee ; Guibon Pangandaman Head, Environment Committee ; Amano Naik Head, Insfractructure Committee ; Imam Agahan Naik Head, Religious Affairs Committee;Palawan Solaiman Head, Datu and Bae Committee and Muhammad Abbas, Head Peace and Order Committee.
Side trip in different tourist spot in Baguio like the mansion, the wright Park, Burnham park, Chinese Temple, colorful house, Mines view park and the head of the lion in session road.
Strengthening the ties of leadership for the cause of Muslim Malolenyos.///Mary Jane Olvina Balaguer, 09053611058, maryjaneolvina@gmail.com and konekted@dzmjonline.net DZMJ ONLINE MAKABULUHANG JORNALISMO YOUR HAPPINESS CHANNEL