Padang, INDONESIA-THE road to WIES (World Islamic Entrepreneur Summit) 2025 happened yesterday july 7 2024 here at the West Sumatra Grand Mosque which nowadays refer to as the Masjid Syekh Ahmad Khatib Al Minangkabawi.
the said occasion was brought about by the collaboration between the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (Kamenparekraf), the provincial Govenment of West Sumatra and the Regional Tourism Board of West Sumatra (BPPD).
The road to WIES is a precursor to welcoming WIES 2025 which is set around the middle of 2025 according to the Chairperson of the West Sumatra BPPD Dr. Sari Lenggogeni.
It also signals the start of the preparation for WIES 2025 which will remain to be a regular activity at west Sumatra, and that the orang awak or local community can be proud of it sort of branding for the place according to Sari when she has visited last wednesday march 7 2024.
She’s hopeful that the government will give its full support along with the business people, gen-z, creative economy, artists, MSMEs and stakeholders that would make this event a success.
Anticipating that whoever leads the province it will include WIES into its agenda for greater inclusivity and a type of branding for the local government of west Sumatra who has a long line of trade and tourism history
Its aim is to introduce the masjid as a center for entrepreneurial empowerment and innovation and the details will be tackled by five speakers from foreign countries. It will be started by the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy Sandiaga Uno as the keynote speaker which then be followed by the five speakers namely President Director of MFB & Co. Company Prof Mohammad Fida Bahjat from Saudi Arabia;
Deputy Governor of West Sumatra Audy Joinaldi and Program Manager of Halal Industry Development of the Department of Trade and industry Philippines Aleem Siddiqui Guaipal followed by the Chief Operating Officer and co-Founder of Incitement Mr. Zikry Kholl from Malaysia and Wisnu W Efrendi S Pd M.Sc from Islaqla Halal Center Jakarta, the moderator will be M Adia Nugraha Director of Dakwah Center at kapal Munzalan Mosque.
A special number from Art Birama Padang Panjang with the theme Ramtau and Syir Islami Minangkabau which by the way is acomposition of Susandra Jaya. the WIES is the brainchild of the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy held at the inauguration of West Sumatra BPPD way back in april 2022 along with the provincial government of west Sumatra. With details from Aleem Siddiqui Guiapal of the Philippines’ Department of Trade and Industry.