Quezon City, Philippines- FARMERS encounter hurdles and challenges on rainy season despite it’s many benefits on crops and soil health that is why the Philippine Council for Agriculture Aquatic and natural Resources Research and Development ng Department of Science and Technology (PCAARRD DOST) through it’s technology to people media conference initiates this conference at the onset of the rainy season in the country.
With the theme “Matatag-Ulan: Smart Agri Solutions During La Nina and Rainy Seasons” they want to suggest viable solutions to pressing agricultural problems in and out of the field together with various innovations from their R&D partners.
The council seek solutions from stakeholders ng agriculture sciences in a bid to mitigate or manage such challenges.
The welcome remarks was given by the director of the Applied Communications Division of PCAARRD, Dir Marita Carlos followed by the Forecasts about the current La Nina Phenomena and the rainy season given by Ms Joanne Mae Adelino of DOST PAGASA and the Tower Garden technology project from the Central Luzon State university by their Project Leader na si Dr Marmin M Cinence;
The Community-Level SARAI Enhanced Agricultural Monitoring System (CL-SEAMS) and dissemination of Crop Advisories and the SARAI Pest Identification Technology (SPIDTECH) of Prof Moises A Dorado SARAI University of the Philippines Los Banos, also introduced we’re the Hybrid Solar Powered Dehydrator Machine of Dr Rinerio S Mucas the project leader from Iloilo Science and Technology University and the closing messages from none other than the Executive Director of PCAARRD Dr Reynaldo Ebora.
Food sufficiency and security in times of natural calamities and changing season is indeed a challenge, but modern science along with it’s new technologies and various innovations compensates to the losses and still retain the anticipated yield.