Category Archives: diplomatiko

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Second China-ASEAN Online Influencers Conference concludes

captions: 本次活动吸引了来自东盟十国的驻华使节、中国及东盟国家的13名网络达人、中外媒体等60余位嘉宾共聚福州,围绕中国与东盟发展成果、民间经贸交流、数字经济发展等话题展开深入探讨,大会期间,线上直播观看量更是突破1400万。 The event was joined by over 60 guests, including diplomatic envoys, 13 online influencers, and media representatives from China and the ten ASEAN countries, who discussed China-ASEAN development achievements, economy and trade, digital…

Our Sultanates an Intangible Cultural Heritage

ENTHRONEMENT AND REENTHRONEMENT OF SULTAN AND THE SULTAN OF THE PHILIPPINES BEFORE the Europeans stepped into Philippine soil, there is this strong leadership in the Muslim Filipinos that came at par with its (Association of…

Peace Advocates push January 24 as “Truce Day”

THE Volunteer Individuals for Peace (VIP) in association with the international peace non-government organization Heavenly Culture World Peace Restoration of Light (HWPL) held the 1st National Peace Convention at the historic Philippine International Convention Center…